Nestled in the heart of Fallbrook on less than an acre of land, you can find the Fieri family tending to their small homestead. When the Fieri's daughter, Alexis, developed multiple food allergies, the family dove deeper into researching and learning how to grow more of their own food to ease her symptoms. They started raising chickens for their eggs and quickly rejoiced in the fact that Alexis could eat the eggs daily and not get sick. By simply feeding the chickens Non-GMO, no soy, no corn feed, Alexis could tolerate the eggs. At this time, they were living in a neighborhood with a concrete backyard and an HOA so creating a homestead beyond the garden and chickens that were already not allowed, was going to be difficult. This is when they moved to a slightly larger lot and began to really watch their dreams come true. They began to raise turkeys, feeding them the same non-allergy feed and enjoyed a delicious meal. The children have learned the complete process of raising the animals to butchering and growing their own vegetables from seed. The dinner is then appreciated much more having put so much time and care into it.
After tons or research, they added a swim pond, goats, chickens, turkey's, ducks, a rabbitry, garden, and plans for more.
The leader of the pack and the muscle and creativity doing all the behind the scenes labor. When not at his firefighter job, he can be found teaching the kids many different trades while building the families dream of obtaining an efficiently ran self sufficient backyard homestead.
The matriarch of the family comes with many different job titles. Mother, homeschooler, wife, homemaker, farmer, project starter, and mitochondrial disease warrior. Grateful everyday, knowing that the days are numbered but finding joy in every moment.
First born that has entered the teen years and may possibly be part mermaid. She spends 5-7 days a week in the pool with her swim and water polo team. Of all the farm animals, the goats are her favorite. She's a strong and independent girl who's ready to take on the world.
When not tending to the farm chores, Wyatt can be found on the baseball field or in the ocean where he loves to surf. Wyatt is a huge asset on the farm, helping Karen every morning and evening with the feeding and stall cleaning. The rabbits are his main responsibility and they were his first 4H project although he puts in equal amounts of time with the goats and chickens as well.